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Montgomery County Honors Conference

This weekend I participated in the honors conference for Montgomery County honors programs. Not only was this an exciting event, but it was more excited because McDaniel will be hosting this very event next year. I attended with five other participants and several McDaniel students who came to support our presentations.

By far the most fun about this event (which will not be true next year) was staying over at the hotel. They had huge comfortable queen sized beds, quite a leg up from the school’s twin beds. I stretched out and enjoyed a fantastic night of sleep. Naturally the other best part of the conference was seeing so many great presentations.

The way the conference worked was that there were sessions every hour in which you had the option of attending presentations in three or four different rooms. These rooms would have two or three presentations happening during that hour, and after each presentation was a discussion. I learned about Billie Holiday, while friends learned about brain tissue. There were a wide variety of topics and that made it fun to pick and choose what presentations to attend.

The hardest part of the conference was presenting. I was extremely nervous to present my topic, influences on study abroad participation, but everyone was very welcoming. Since people could pick what they wanted to see everyone in the room was interested in hearing what I had to say. On top of that I had plenty of support from McDaniel students. All in all the conference was a great experience, McDaniel did a fantastic job, and I wish I could see what it looks like when our school hosts it next year. Plus I can now say I have participated in a conference! That’s a great thing to put on a resume.

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