Information on TL/OSL books


Description and contents of my two books on TL and OSL



This is the Thermoluminescence textbook published by Springer in 2006.

Numerical and Practical Exercises in Thermoluminescence
Pagonis, Vasilis, Kitis, George, Furetta, Claudio
2006, XXII, 210 p. 110 illus., Hardcover. Published by SPRINGER
ISBN: 0-387-26063-3


The purpose of this book is to provide a practical guide for both established researchers and for new graduate students entering the field of TL and is intended to be used in conjunction with and as a practical supplement of standard textbooks in the field.

Chapter 1 presents the fundamental mathematical expressions most commonly used for analyzing experimental TL data.

Chapter 2 presents comprehensive examples of TL data analysis for glow curves following first-, second-, and general-order kinetics. Detailed analysis of numerical data is presented by using a variety of methods found in the TL literature.

Chapter 3 presents for the first time in the TL literature detailed numerical examples of several commonly used theoretical models, as well as several comparative studies of analytical expressions used for kinetic analysis of TL data. The main thrust of this chapter is to illustrate how to solve the differential equations describing the traffic of carriers during the various TL processes in the crystal. This chapter presents several theoretical TL models of increasingly complexity using the program Mathematica.

Chapter 4 presents numerical exercises for the TL dose response of dosimetric materials. The models described in this chapter are taken directly from the published TL literature in order to facilitate direct comparison of the results with the original papers. The Mathematica programs are given in a “modular” form consisting of a small core of subroutines performing separate tasks, which can be easily adopted by the readers for a variety of different purposes. A variety of TL models is presented, based on competition during irradiation process, competition during the TL heating process, as well as models containing competition during both irradiation and heating. Numerical examples of how the superlinearity and supralinearity coefficients g(D) and f (D) can be calculated from experimental TL versus dose curves are also given.

Chapter 5 contains a variety of exercises dealing with practical aspects of several phenomena commonly encountered in the study of TL materials. Several exercises deal with the accuracy and reproducibility of measurements performed with TL dosimeters (TLDs). It is shown how the statistical accuracy and reproducibility of TL data can be greatly improved by using individual correction factors for each TLD. Other exercises deal with the phenomenon of thermal quenching and its effects on the measured TL glow curves and on the initial rise technique.


To see a detailed TABLE OF CONTENTS of the book from the WILEY website, CLICK HERE!

This is the Thermoluminescence (TL) and Optically Stimulated luminescence (OSL) textbook published by Wiley in 2011.

Thermally and Optically Stimulated Luminescence: A Simulation Approach
Reuven Chen and Vasilis Pagonis
Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (May 31, 2011)
[Hardcover: 434 pages] ISBN-10: 047074927X

Detailed description

This book addresses the underlying physics of thermal luminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and summarizes the various models in the literature for OSL, TL and radioluminescence (RL) phenomena. It also emphasizes results obtained from simulations, which can add a new dimension to results from theoretical considerations and are necessary for understanding the basic physical nature of TL/OSL processes; and discusses the most relevant aspects of the topic, such as TL peaks, dose-dependence and dose-rate effects, and trapping parameters.


Chapter 1. Introduction.
1.1. The Physical mechanism of TL and OSL phenomena.
1.2. Historical development of TL and OSL dosimetry.
1.3. Historical development of luminescence models.
Chapter 2. Theoretical Basis of Luminescence Phenomena.

2.1. Energy Bands and Energy Levels in Crystals.
2.2. Trapping Parameters Associated with Impurities in Crystals.
2.3. Capture Rate Constants.
2.4. Thermal Equilibrium.
2.5. Detailed Balance.
2.6. Arrhenius Model.
2.7. Rate Equations in the Theory of Luminescence.
2.8. Radiative Emission and Absorption.
2.9. Mechanisms of thermal quenching in dosimetric materials.
2.10. A kinetic model for the Mott-Seitz mechanism in quartz.
2.11. The thermal quenching model for alumina by Nikiforov et al.
Chapter 3. Basic Experimental Measurements.
3.1. General approach to TL and OSL phenomena.
3.2. Excitation spectra.
3.3. Emission spectra.
3.4. Bleaching of thermoluminescence and OSL.
Chapter 4. Thermoluminescence: The Equations Governing a TL Peak.
4.1. Governing equations.
4.2. One trap-one recombination center (OTOR) model.
4.3. General-order kinetics.
4.4. Mixed-order kinetics.
4.5. Q- and P-functionsQ- and P-functions.
4.6. Semilocalized (SLT) models of thermoluminescence.
Chapter 5. Basic Methods for Evaluating Trapping Parameters.
5.1. The initial-rise method.
5.2. Peak-shape methods.
5.3. Methods of various heating rates.
5.4. Curve Fitting.
5.5. Developing equations for evaluating glow parameters.
5.6. The photoionization cross section.
Chapter 6. Additional Phenomena associated with TL.
6.1. Phosphorescence decay.
6.2. Isothermal decay of TL peaks.
6.3. Anomalous fading and anomalous trapping parameters of TL.
6.4. Competition between excitation and bleaching of TL.
6.5. A model for mid-term fading in TL dating; continuum of traps.
6.6. Photo-transferred thermoluminescence (PTTL).
6.7. TL-response of Al2O3 : C to UV-illumination.
6.8. Dependence of the TL excitation on absorption coefficient.
6.9. TL vs. impurity concentration; concentration quenching.
6.10. Creation and stabilization of TL traps during irradiation.
6.11. Duplicitous TL peak due to release of electrons and holes.
6.12. Simulations of the duplicitous TL peak.
Chapter 7. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL).
7.1. Basic concepts of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL).
7.2. Dose dependence of OSL; basic considerations.
7.3. Numerical results of OSL dose dependence.
7.4. Simulation of the dose-rate dependence of OSL.
7.5. The role of retrapping in the dose dependence of pulsed OSL.
7.6. Linear-modulation OSL (LM-OSL).
7.7. Unified presentation of TL, phosphorescence (PL) and LM-OSL.
7.8. The new presentation of LM-OSL within the OTOR model.
7.9. TL-like presentation of CW-OSL in the OTOR model.
7.10. Dependence of luminescence on initial occupancy; OTOR model.
7.11. TL expression within the unified presentation.
7.12. Pseudo LM-OSL and OSL signals under various stimulation modes.
7.13. OSL decay and stretched-exponential behavior.
7.14. Optically stimulated exoelectron emission.
7.15. Simulations of OSL pulsed annealing techniques.
Chapter 8. Analytical and Approximate Expressions of Dose Dependence of TL and OSL.
8.1. General considerations.
8.2. Competition during excitation.
8.3. Competition during heating.
8.4. The predose (sensitization) effect.
8.5. Sensitization and de-sensitization in quartz.
8.6. Dose-rate dependence.
8.7. Sublinear dose dependence of TL and LM-OSL in the OTOR system.
8.8. Dose-dependence and dose-rate behaviors by simulations.
8.9. Simulations of the dose-rate effect of TL.
8.10. Non-monotonic dose dependence of TL and OSL.
8.11. Non-monotonic dose dependence of TL; simulations.
8.12. Non-monotonic effect of OSL; results of simulations.
Chapter 9. Simulations of TL and OSL in Dating Procedures.
9.1. The predose effect in quartz.
9.2. Simulation of thermal activation characteristics in quartz.
9.3. The Bailey model for quartz.
9.4. Simulation of the predose dating technique.
9.5. The single aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) technique.
9.6. Thermally transferred OSL (TT-OSL).
Chapter 10. Advanced Methods for Evaluating Trapping Parameters.
10.1. Deconvolution.
10.2. Monte-Carlo Methods.
10.3. Genetic Algorithms.
10.4. Application of differential evolution to fitting OSL curves.
Chapter 11. Simultaneous TL and Other Types of Measurements.               
11.1. Simultaneous TL and TSC measurements, experimental results.
11.2. Theoretical considerations.
11.3. Numerical analysis of simultaneous TL-TSC measurements.
11.4. Thermoluminescence and Optical Absorption.
11.5. Simultaneous measurements of TL and ESR (EPR).
11.6. Simultaneous Measurements of TL and TSEE.
Chapter 12. Applications in Medical Physics.
12.1. Introduction.
12.2. Applications of luminescence detectors in medical physics.
12.3. Examples of in-vivo dosimetric applications.
12.4. Radioluminescence.
Chapter 13. Radiophotoluminescence.
13.1. Development and use of radiophotoluminescence materials.

Chapter 14. Effects of Ionization Density on TL response.
14.1. Modeling TL supralinearity due to heavy charged particles.
14.2. Defect-Interaction Model (DIM).
14.3. The unified interaction model (UNIM).
Chapter 15. The Exponential Integral.
15.1. The integral in TL theory.
15.2. Asymptotic series.
Review papers.
Bibliography (1000+ REFERENCES)
Appendix A. Examples.
A.1. Simulation of OSL Experiments Using the OTOR Model.
A.2. Simulation of OSL Experiments Using the IMTS Model.
A.3. Simulation of TL Experiment Using the Bailey Model.
Subject Index.
Author Index.

