Visual Analysis – “The Return of Private Davis from the Argonne” by John Steuart Curry (1928 – 1940)

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

“The Return of Private Davis from the Argonne” by Curry depicts the funeral of a WWI soldier. In the foreground of the painting is a casket covered with an American flag that is surrounded by many people. The flag covering the casket shows that the funeral is for a soldier. This is also shown through the inclusion of the uniformed soldiers that take up most of the crowd of people on the left side of the painting. The style of the uniforms that the soldiers are wearing show that they fought in World War I. This can also be deduced from the title as the Argonne refers to the Argonne Forest in France which was used as a battleground in WWI. All but one of theĀ  people shown in the painting are within the circle of people around the casket. The only person who is not within the circle is a lone man who kneels beside the casket. Based on his closeness to the casket, he is likely a relative of the deceased soldier, potentially the soldier’s father based on the age he appears to be. Most of the people have their heads bowed towards the casket, showing that this is a somber event. The only people whose heads are not bowed are the soldiers who stand at attention and in formation and the figure directly behind the casket. The figure directly behind the casket appears to be a preacher or minister as he holds a book, which is likely the Bible, and his other hand is raised as if he is in the middle of a sermon or speech. Other than the figure who is likely a preacher, the painting potentially contains religious connotations through the light rays in the sky as light is a major element of Christianity and the way it is portrayed in this work is reminiscent of a heavenly light shining down on the people, which would represent the presence of God. Also, the figures depicted are not individualized as most of their faces contain little to no detail. This shows that the painting is likely more about the event than about the specific people who were involved in it.

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