Visual Analysis – Freedom From Want by Norman Rockwell

Friday, November 30, 2018


Freedom From Want, Norman Rockwell, 1943, oil on canvas, source:

Like many of Norman Rockwell’s paintings, Freedom From Want (also known as The Thanksgiving Picture) idealistically reflects traditional American values. The value most prominently reflected in this painting is family. The work consists of a group of people, likely a family, gathered around the table for a meal. The creases in the tablecloth, showing that it is not used often, and the types of food present show that it is likely a holiday meal. At the head of the table stand the patriarch and matriarch of the family. The matriarch wears an apron showing that she was likely the one who was doing the cooking. She stands presenting a cooked turkey to her family while the patriarch looks on with fondness and approval. The wide variety of ages of the figures, from the young girl on the far end of the left side of the table to the white-haired woman on the right side of the table, shows that this would be a family, not a group of friends and that it is a multi-generational family. Overall, work reflects the importance and value of family in traditional American culture.


  1. There are some interesting points in this clause but I dont know if I see all of them eye to heart. There is some validity but I will take hold legal opinion until I look into it further. Good clause, thanks and we want more! Added to FeedBurner as well.

  2. I fully share your opinion. There is something in this and I like your idea. I suggest putting it up for general discussion.

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