Blog: What are your goals for this class

Hello, this is my first blog post. Thank you for checking it out. The goals I have for this class, are to learn how to write better, be more expressive in my writing and learn more about art.

“Learn how to write better”

This is an important goal for me because I have trouble writing in any situation. I feel like everyone should know how to write well or gain skills for writing so you can better use the skill through your life. I believe learning to write better has levels to it. You have to know how to keep the reader engaged and interested this is not that easy for me as I tend to not know what else to write about as I get closer to finishing talking about a topic.

“Learn to be more expressive in my writing”

This is another goal I want to try to achieve from this class. I found myself not being able to express as much emotion and passion in my writing. Being and art major I have a lot of passion for art. But putting that in text is harder for me to accomplish.

“learning more about art “

I believe all artist are always learning new things. The same with me I want to learn more about art in the way this class will teach me. through writing and analyzing other artist work.

Until next time,  have a great day.

-Shane Braden



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