Career Expierence

Hello, thank you for stopping by to read my blog. Today I’m going to be talking about how I apply for jobs and what I am going to start doing to further better my career experience when applying for jobs.


When I am applying to a work facility or company I make sure that my resume is up to date with all my working experience and achievements or awards. I also make sure that I am confident and prepared to talk to the employer and show that I am ready to work hard. As I was in my class we had a guest come in and teach us how to have higher chances of getting a job, and good ways to start early. He has us all make accounts on LinkedIn which is a website/app that lets you connect with friends, employers, schoolmates and anyone else that you can network with. To me I’m glad I made one and I recommend it to all students who are looking for jobs to apply to. IF you start early you won’t be overwhelmed and stressed about finding a good job because you will have connections to people that can help you land a job. This has opened my world and I now will continue to build my resume and be on the lookout for jobs and internships. Until next time.

                                                                                                         -Shane Braden

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