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Vegetarianism in the Dining Hall « Expect the Exceptional

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Vegetarianism in the Dining Hall

Students anticipate the first year that they have an apartment rather than a dorm room partially because of the freedom of being able to cook. I will admit that it’s great to be able to make a quesadilla or a salad in my kitchen whenever I want, but sometimes it is even nicer to eat have those foods prepared for me and eat them in Englar Hall, which we affectionately call Glar.

I’m a vegetarian, and I will be the first to commend our cafeteria for providing people with limited diets with a variety of tasty foods this year. I’m always able to find something good on the hot food line, like vegetable stir fry, and there’s a different selection of soups and pre-made wraps every day. Additionally, Tuesdays and Thursdays are themed nights. For example, on Tuesday they served Moroccan food and we got to watch a performance by the belly dancing club.

The pub, another on-campus dining option, has also expanded its options. Besides the standard fare of chicken nuggets and mozzarella sticks, I can now order a portabella mushroom sandwich or a salad. Connected to the pub is a convenience store, a new addition this year, where I can buy everything from onions to granola bars. This makes it easy to grab a cheap snack between classes or to pick up an ingredient I’m missing for a recipe.

Cafeteria style food may never quite match up to your mom’s cooking, but I think our dining options this year could come in a close second. From chicken tender lovers to vegetarians to those who eat gluten free, the staff tries to provide a variety of foods that meet the needs of busy students with various needs. After a long day of classes, work, and cross country practice, it’s great to be able to look forward to a filling dinner at night.

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