The Main Characters of Eternals Are Inspire by Mythology Around the World


Thena | Marvel 101 - YouTube

Thena is base from the Greek god Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war. She offers great council to Seri before the emergence, and her being one of the best fighters in the group. Her Mahd Wy’ry is a nod to Athena’s anger, which can get violent at times. 


Gilgamesh is inspired by a Mesopotamia myth called Epic of Gilgamesh, in which a king who was 2/ 3 part god and1/3 part human. One of his abilities was being strong but he was not as strong as Enkidu. It is reflected in the movie Gilgamesh, and living in a desert when they found him, it can be a nod of where the story came from now modern Middle East. In addition, they went back to Babylon to get there, it is one of the places that have a recording of the Epic. 


He is based off a Greek myth of Icarus who son of Daedulus, master inventor. One of the things that they really reference about Icarus is his ability to fly, which stems from the myth of his father giving him wings so they can escape from King Midas’ s prison. In their escape from the prison, his father warned him not to fly too close to the sun or the wax will melt, but Icarus did not listen to him and fell into the sea to die. I don’t know if the opening credits is slightly alluding to it, Ikaris fighting the Deviant with wings over the ocean with having the issue being to close to the sun. It was a subtle refer to the myth. Again, they reference this later when Ikaris literally flies too close to the Sun. 


Sprite isn’t directly connected to any mythology or folklore, but some people have suggested that she falls into a trickster archetype, but I don’t necessarily see that. Although there are some fairy tales that talk about fairies trapping their humans and their illusions. 


He is based on Hephaestus, god of fire and patron of craftsman, and reference it in how he helps human technology advance like the plow or the atomic bomb. in addition, I think they were referring to a particular myth of Hephaestus making a net for Aries and Aphrodite to be caught having an affair, but instead making a trap for Ikaris. 


He’s also another one that does not have a direct reference to any mythology. Some might suggest that there’s an influence of Dionysus or a minor Babylonian God. This might be also referencing the fact that he is playing a Bollywood dancer in a movie as well as attempting to make a documentary of it. 


Druig | Marvel 101 - YouTube

Some people have suggested that he is inspired by a Greek deity called Dolos, of a spirit of mischief and trickery into getting others into his will, but there is not direct reference to any myths. His power of mind control is probably an indication of Dolos.


Makkari | Marvel 101 - YouTube

She has some root in Mercury or Hermes who is the Messengers of the Gods and the god of Thieves. Her speed inspired by Hermes who was very quick because of his flying shoes. Her “collecting” could be inspired by Hermes sticky fingers as well. 


Sersi | Marvel 101 - YouTube

She is based on Circe who was a Sorceress in The Odyssey, and one of her abilities was turning men into animals. It is similar to the character because she has the ability to transmute something into something else.


Ajak | Marvel 101 - YouTube

She is based off of Ajax who was one of the greatest Greek warrior after Achilles as a skilled tactician and she was the leader and strategist of the group before she died. 

Work Cited for Images

Marvel. “Ajak,” Https://, 2021.

—. “Druig,” Https://, 2021.

—. “Gilgamesh,” Https://, 2021.

—. “Ikaris,” Https://, 2021.

—. “Kingo,” Https://, 2021.

—. “Makkari,” Https://, 2021.

—. “Phatos,” Https://, 2021.

—. “Sersi,” Https://, 2021.

—. “Spirte,” Https://, 2021.

—. “Thena,” Https://, 2021.‌

Works Cited for Sources

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Athena”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 16 Aug. 2022, Accessed 17 September 2022. 

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Circe”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 26 Aug. 2022, Accessed 17 September 2022. 

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Hephaestus”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 29 Aug. 2022, Accessed 17 September 2022. 

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Hermes”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 5 Jul. 2022, Accessed 17 September 2022. 

Mark, Joshua. “Gilgamesh.” World History Encyclopedia, 29 Mar. 2018,

“The Myth of Daedalus and Icarus.” Greek Myths & Greek Mythology, 10 Aug. 2009,

“The Trickster.” TV Tropes,