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Sophomore Year, Day One « Expect the Exceptional

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Sophomore Year, Day One

Sometimes rain happens for a reason. Today, Sunday, one of the major highlights of my day was supposed to be the annual Honors picnic, an event that helps freshmen Honors students meet upperclassmen Honors students. Unfortunately, though, the picnic was rained out.

To compensate for this, I staged a “picnic” in my common room; I spread out a blanket on the floor of my common room, brought out some snacks I was willing to share, and invited my suitemates to join me. It was a little awkward, since not a lot of my suitemates showed up at first and we’re still getting to know each other, but I enjoyed it, especially since one of my suitemates microwaved s’mores for us.

Still, I was disappointed that I would not be able to enjoy a delicious, freshly-grilled burger at the picnic, but then I realized that because the picnic was cancelled, I could go to Glar for dinner and play bingo in the Office of Student Engagement’s annual Bingo for Books event. I almost didn’t play when I got to Glar because I wanted to eat quickly and return to my room to sleep and unpack some more, but I decided that I really shouldn’t miss out on an opportunity to win money for books and other expenditures. So I got some bingo cards, found a table of friends, and started playing after I ate my meal. After several rounds, I got very luck y and won a $100 Visa gift card! Thank goodness for rain, good fortune, and the very good choice to play.

Speaking of choices, early in the afternoon, I met up with a number of my Honors friends and attended a showing of “Choices” for upperclassmen. “Choices” is a McDaniel tradition for freshmen that takes place the evening of the last night of orientation. According to tradition, I (nor anyone else), am not supposed to tell you what exactly “Choices” is, but I can tell you that it’s hands down one of the best events that takes place during orientation, and though it’s mandatory, skipping out on it is a really poor choice. I definitely enjoyed this year’s “Choices” quite a lot!

Otherwise, my day was pretty low-key. I spent more time unpacking (which I’m nowhere near finished) and also started to hang up my posters and wall decorations to make my room start to feel like home. Class starts tomorrow, and though I’m excited, I’m not ready! I’m still trying to settle in! But nevertheless, I think tomorrow’s going to be a pretty good day.

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