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Senior Year « Expect the Exceptional

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Senior Year

Being back at school has been great and also terrifying because now I am a senior! Luckily I had a great summer internship. I would recommend an internship to anyone their junior year. It is a great way to get experience and feel less scared of entering the working world. Plus it looks great on a resume!

It is easy to create any kind of internship experience you want if you try your best. I arranged one in Botswana, which did not seem possible. I kept a look out for possibilities and thanks to contacts at the school I found the internship that I had this past summer. I am incredibly thankful to McDaniel for that.

There is a great new office that helps people find internships and other opportunities, and talks about post graduate plans (I am going tomorrow for a meeting). It is called the Center for Experience and Opportunity. Having the support of the office and people over the summer has given me courage that life does, indeed, go on after I graduate. I am looking forward to an awesome senior year.

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