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Two Down, Two to Go « Expect the Exceptional

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Two Down, Two to Go

First of all, when did I become a junior? People always say college flies by because you are having so much fun and I never believed it till now. It seems like just yesterday I was starting my first semester as a freshman. I do admit, a lot has changed, for the better, since that first move-in day. I came to college a completely different person than I am today. The people that I have met here, both my friends and the faculty members, have shown me how to become my own person and have helped me grow into someone I like a lot more than the person I was after graduating high school. I’ve had the awesome chances to explore classes and subjects that I never thought I would like, yet somehow, I have at least one happy memory from every class. Even my Astronomy class, which I really hated at the time, I still laugh when I think about the children’s book my best friend and I put together as extra credit and how much fun it was to work on that project together. I can remember walking into my first auditions for the theatre department (auditioning for A Doll’s House) and Vagina Monologues being absolutely terrified that I was going to fail. Yesterday, I was hanging flyers up for Vagina Monologues interest meetings, since I will be co-directing them this year.

My entire outlook and dreams in life have completely changed. I came to college at a Theatre Arts major with the intent on getting on Broadway one day. Now, I am an English major with a writing minor and a dream to write inspirational and magical fairy tales for the Disney Company. I have become a more positive person and I continue to learn how to be a better person every day. McDaniel is listed as one of the top schools in Colleges that Change Lives because it is 100% true. Since coming to college I am so much happier and excited about my future. I can’t wait to see what these next two years on The Hill hold for me. After only a day of going through my classes, I am super excited about all of them. This semester I will be taking Literature by Women, Approaches to Everyday Discourse, Austen, Hip Hop Dance and Jazz Dance. The two dance classes are gym classes so they will only be five weeks each and since I love dance, I’m very excited to be able to get some of my gym requirement out of the way with dance classes. As for my other three classes, I love all three professors. They are extremely talented and know precisely what they are teaching. Going to class this semester will not be a difficult chore, but an opportunity to enhance my skills.

It may be a little early still but I have already started thinking about what I want my Senior Sem to be about. Being that I love Disney, I’d love to incorporate that. If the Discourse class goes well, which I think it will, I may do something about Walt Disney’s speeches or maybe the rhetoric of the parks even. The Disney Company absolutely fascinates me so I know I want to combine it with my love for language and literature to create an amazing Senior Sem that is not only a requirement for graduation, but also something fun and interesting. As far as this year goes, I am looking forward to all the adventures that lie ahead and I welcome them all with a smile.

~ “First day of school! First day of school! Wake up, wake up! Come on, first day of school!” –Nemo Finding Nemo~

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