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This and That « Expect the Exceptional

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This and That

It’s been a little of this, a little of that for me over the past few days, which is pretty much reflective of how I try to live my day to day life at McDaniel. (It makes things more fun!)

On Sunday evening, I went to the year’s first meeting of the Honors Club, the club of our Honors Program to find out what sort of fun events and community service opportunities are going on this semester. I’m definitely looking forward to participating in some of the activities, such as volunteering during Night of Nets, which takes place next week. The event, sponsored by Advocacy Team, seeks to raise malaria awareness and raise money for bed nets, takes place at night on the Quad in between the residence halls DMC and ANW.

In between my afternoon class, Grammar and Usage, and my evening class, the Hero’s Journey, I went to the English Department reception on Monday. This event is one of many of my favorite annuals events that take place on campus each year. It’s really wonderful to see just about all of our English professors and faculty in one place and get to mingle with them and my fellow English majors. There’s plenty of fun and laughs, and of course, there’s good food and door prizes. I won a set of eight notecards featuring an illustration of Hill Hall, the building in which the English Department is housed, and a handful of pens. It was an excellent prize, since I love writing letters to family and friends while I’m at college.

Today was pretty much nonstop beginning at 1:00 this afternoon. I had my rhetoric class, Approaches to Everyday Discourse, followed by my general science class, the Nature of Science. After that, I went straight to an information session about the Fulbright Program, a scholarship that allows for U.S. college graduates to travel abroad to study, conduct research, and teach. Since I’m only a sophomore, I still have quite some time to go before I can even apply for such a scholarship, but I’m glad I went. It seems like a neat opportunity to consider, and I’m glad that I’ll have the next year and a half to keep it in the back of my mind.

After the Fulbright info session, I went to dinner at Glar, our dining hall, where the international flavor continued. Tonight was one of Glar’s theme nights, Moroccan Night, which featured a live DJ and some dancing from members of McDaniel’s Belly Dancing Club. (I think I’ll have to go to one of their meetings at some point—I’d love to try it!)

Tonight (and sadly, tomorrow night as well), I’m pretty swamped with homework. My first paper of the semester is due in two days, and my draft needs work! That doesn’t mean I won’t take a break in an hour or so though. Today is one of my suite mate’s birthdays, so we’re ordering a pizza and having some fun tonight!

It’s been a pretty fun and busy semester so far, and I’m expecting this momentum to continue!

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