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Tips From a Tour Guide: Tip #1: Ask Questions « Expect the Exceptional

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Tips From a Tour Guide: Tip #1: Ask Questions

Tips From a Tour Guide: How to make the Most out of your Tour of McDaniel

Tip #1:  Ask Questions

 I have been a tour guide since the Spring semester of my freshman year, and it is honestly the best job on campus.  I love being about to tell people all about why I love McDaniel and all of the wonderful experiences I have had here.  However, it is very obvious to me which prospective students want to be here and which ones are just walking around because they were dragged here by their parents.  Whatever the reason, there are some fantastic ways to make the most out of your tour.

There is nothing worse than having a whole tour full of people that don’t ask any questions.  If you have been on any college tours, you’ll know what I’m talking about.  The tour guide will excitedly ask, “Do you have any questions?”…and there’s dead silence.  Do not be this person!  Take advantage of the tour guides standing in front of you.  The tour guides are students, just like you will be, so they are the people that can give you the best information.  They’re the ones that know what students do on the weekend, what the professors are like, how the food tastes, and what Greek life is really like.  Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and ask them something that you want to know.  What’s the worst thing that can happen?

At McDaniel, we also give you our business cards at the end of a tour, so that if you think of any questions you may have for us, you can contact us.  Don’t be afraid to use our e-mails and ask us questions.  I always tell my tours to feel free to e-mail me and that if I don’t know the answer to something, I will find out the answer for them or direct them to someone who can.  Utilize the tools you are given and take advantage of the people that you make connections with on tour.  They have all the information you need!

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