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Night of Nets! « Expect the Exceptional

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Night of Nets!

Tonight was such a fun night on the Hill! Advocacy Team, an organization that focuses on human justice issues (like poverty and hunger) hosted their annual Night of Nets event on the quad between DMC and ANW, two of our residence halls on campus. The goal of Night of Nets is to raise awareness for the problem of malaria in Africa and money to help purchase insecticide-treated bed nets.

Night of Nets is one of my favorite events on campus and I had a blast this year! The quad is decorated with mosquito netting and Christmas lights and lamps. There’s also music and plenty of awesome people! I spent a lot of time at this year’s event helping out with the t-shirt station. For $5, people could spray-paint shirts using stencils that said things like “Night of Nets” and “End Malaria.” Most of the shirts turned out great, and I was glad I got to contribute!

There were plenty of other activities too. There was an art station to make malaria awareness-themed art (which was beautiful), a hemp bracelet station, a photo station, pizza and refreshments, sidewalk chalk, and volleyball. There was also a DJ taking song requests, which was funny because people could also pay to get him to stop playing certain songs. (People kept paying him to play and not play Rebecca Black’s “Friday.”)

It was a great night, and I got to see and chat with a lot of my friends. I’d have to say I’m pretty tired now though, and I have one more day of the week to get through until the weekend. (Thank goodness!) But tonight, a few awesome people will sleep out in tents on the quad so that the malaria awareness lasts until the morning and hopefully well beyond it.

To learn more about malaria, malaria advocacy, and Night of Nets, visit actstoendmalaria.org.

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