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My Coolest Class This Semester « Expect the Exceptional

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My Coolest Class This Semester

The coolest class I’m taking this semester is Multimedia Authoring. This course is brand new this semester and is taught by Dr. Paul Muhlhauser. The class promises to offer new experiences with Adobe Creative Suite as well as a final project that involves creating and coding your own website. We also do blogging and learn design techniques visually and with typography.

Currently we are working on a project in which we turn a short embarrassing story about ourselves into a comic to show the power of images. I love that the entire class is focused around technology. Our professor even created a website just for the class, with all the assignments and homework.

An upcoming project I’m looking forward to uses QR codes. We’re going to find an object and critique it using texts, videos, visuals, etc, which we will present on a self-created website. Then we will make a QR code to the website and post it near the object and track the number of views. I think that all of the new media and technology that he incorporates into the class will really be helpful to me in the future.

We’re only a month into the semester but already I would recommend this class to anyone who enjoys communicating using new media!

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