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Club Life « Expect the Exceptional

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Club Life


I run the anime club and I am involved in several other organizations here on campus. I have a lot of fun with them and I think clubs and extracurricular activities are one of the most important parts of being in college because they help you meet people, learn skills, and more. There is a lot of work that goes in to running a club although it helps when you have a great officer staff working with you. For example, as the President of the Anime Club, I run the meetings we have every week as well as sending polls for voting issues, managing the work of the officers, and more. I am also the person who has to apply for funding for events and more. We are getting set up to run several smaller events in the future. We hope to run an auction or raffle in order to raise money for funding. My treasurer has the job of signing off on expenditures and managing the clubs budget. The Vice President runs the cultural segment of our meetings as well as working on planning with me and a variety of other things. It can be a lot of work sometimes, but I love it. Each officer has a small role that makes everything run smoothly from week to week.

I also participate in Allies, which is the LGBT group on campus, although so far this semester I haven’t been able to go very often. They offer a private setting to talk about LGBT topics from week to week. I was an officer in Allies in the past, and my job was the historian – meaning I documented events and kept a scrapbook basically. Some of the events they have hosted include a spoken word performer, club rooms, various speakers, and more. Their events do very well on campus which I attribute to the wonderful people running the group and to the fact that they pick their events well. Further, they are able to reach a wider audience than a lot of LGBT groups because of their inclusive environment and their willingness to talk about all kinds of different issues from political challenges to day to day life.

Another group that I participate in is HvZ, Humans v. Zombies which is a group that designs missions that involve shooting the people in the zombie role with nerf guns. The missions often have a variety of different objectives and goals and actually have a really interesting plot sometimes. One of the missions last semester, for example, the humans had to save the scientist who was trying to find a cure for the zombies and help him gather the supplies he needed in order to make the cure. That particular mission was held in Lewis Hall, but most of the missions occur outside in the evenings or at night and they can be a lot of fun. The group itself is made up of some really great people who just go to the missions to have fun and some people who are really interested in planning the missions and having a Non-player role in making the missions run successfully. Last semester, they also went to a large HvZ type event at another college and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun with it. There are a lot of different types of groups that people can be involved with on campus and everyone can find one they have a lot of fun with from the cheese club, to the Environmental Action Club, to HvZ.


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