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My Fun Family Weekend « Expect the Exceptional

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My Fun Family Weekend

It’s been a pretty good week so far, but I can’t help but think back to how awesome this past weekend was for me. On Friday night, I went to the Family Weekend pep rally and watched six episodes of Monty Python’s Flying Circus with my friends.

My parents came on Saturday for Family Weekend, an annual weekend for family and friends to visit campus and have a good time.

The first half of my day with my parents was centered largely around the fact that I was getting inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta, a national honor society for first year students, in the afternoon. As a result, my time with them when they first got here was a little limited, but we were still able to squeeze in a trip to Panera Bread for lunch and a trip to Baugher’s, a local orchard store and restaurant in walking distance from campus, for some desserts to last me through the week.

The induction ceremony lasted around an hour, so we were able to go catch some of the football game. Because it rained though, we only stayed for half of the third quarter.

I had my parents take me to Target on 140 for some snacks and needed items before going to dinner at Full Moon Pub and Grill in nearby Reisterstown—my parents’ excellent choice of restaurant. Full Moon has some of the best cream of crab soup I’ve ever tasted. It’s not too sour, not too spicy, and full of chunky crab meat. I highly recommend it! (The chocolate cake was also pretty good!)

After dinner, we went to Westminster’s Town Mall to hang out some more and do some recreational shopping, before they brought me back to McDaniel to hang out some more before returning home.

After they left, I had one of the most memorable evenings with my friends and suitemates ever. One of my suite mate’s parents brought pizza for all of us, which was very kind and wonderful. Once they left, things got very fun. (Somehow, we managed to sing Christmas carols for at least 20 minutes.)

As you might imagine, on Sunday, I had to catch up on my homework since Saturday was devoted to Family Weekend. But it was still a good day, since I got a lot done and was in the company of my friends. And I have to tell you, the best part about the day after a visit from family is the leftovers!

I’d have to say that this was one of the best weekends I’ve had on campus for a long time. I was surrounded by great fun, great family, great friends, and great food! As I work through this week, thinking about this past weekend and the fun weekends to come is something that’s keeping me smiling!

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