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A Little Place Called Pub « Expect the Exceptional

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A Little Place Called Pub

As many will agree, the Pub offers the best food on campus. This is not to say that the food offered at GLAR (Englar Dining Hall) isn’t palatable, just that the Pub’s food is more popular and maybe slightly better in quality since the food is made-to-order. In the past Spring semester they just gave the new offering of a chicken quesadilla which is by far the best thing they make there, but this is not on the meal exchange so it isn’t necessarily the most popular food offered. What is on the meal exchange, however, is the beef steak and cheese (or cheesesteak, whichever suits you. My roommate from Philadelphia always gives me a hard time) and this is my personal go-to everytime I’m in the mood for a quick snack.

My friends and I have taken to the regiment of playing pick-up soccer five times a week sunday-thursday from 10 to 11 when the gym closes. This leaves Friday and Saturday free for homework and other weekend activities. Since the Pub stays open until 11:30, it serves as a perfect post-soccer hangout. The chicken tenders are a good choice here because these are the only pre-cooked items on the menu and can be served within minutes.

Another good use of the pub is a quick lunch on Saturdays in the Fall where you just want to get back out to the football game. If you leave the game right at halftime and head directly to the pub, you can have a quick meal and be back out to the field right at the beginning of the second half, or even take the meal to-go which is an option that students can check on their meal exchange tickets.

The Pub is a fantastic dining option on campus and is, in general, a great place to hangout before classes, after classes, and between classes. Last year I found that one of my friends, Karen, had the same hour and a half break on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and we would meet at the Pub for lunch and talk about our days; who was annoying us; what homework we hadn’t done for our next class. The Pub is more than a dining place, it is a staple of the McDaniel campus.

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