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Wednesday, Thursday « Expect the Exceptional

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Wednesday, Thursday

It’s kind of rainy tonight, which I actually don’t mind since it gives me an excuse to stay in and have some downtime. Tonight, I plan on chilling and (hopefully) completing my grammar homework for tomorrow by a reasonable hour. The Princess Bride is also playing on TV, which is fun, and one of my suitemates just asked me if I want to watch The Office. (Heck yes!)

However, I did have a fun and busy last couple of days. Yesterday, I was finally able to find a chance to visit one of my English professors during her office hours. We discussed my how I’ve been doing in her class, my feelings about studying rhetoric (which is what my class is based on), and other random things that came up about my life and the world in general. I love how the professors on this campus are very accessible and give meaningful feedback when asked. Many of them also can hold some interesting and engaging conversations.

Later in the evening, I attended the second annual Ira G. Zepp, Jr. Memorial Lecture, better known as the Zepp Lecture. This year’s lecturer was Dr. Michael Kimmel, a sociology professor from Stonybrook University, who talked about the new life stage that is emerging between adolescence and adulthood and what effect that has had on males in their 20s. He described this life stage in males as “Guyland.” Dr. Kimmel was a very engaging speaker and I thought the topic was quite interesting.

I also received a really nice package from my aunt and uncle yesterday, which was full of candy, pumpkin muffins, and other goodies. I love getting mail on campus, and having a post office in Decker Center makes getting letters and packages very convenient.

Today I attended my regularly scheduled Thursday classes, Approaches to Everyday Discourse, followed immediately by The Nature of Science. Both were good classes today.

Tonight’s dinner in Glar featured an ice cream sundae bar, which was a real treat! My sundae consisted of chocolate ice cream with whipped cream, cherries, chocolate syrup, crushed Oreos, and M&Ms. So tasty!

After dinner, I ran into my good friend Avery, who invited me to go with her to Red Square (the center of campus by the library) to watch people rehearse their instruments for Ascend, an evening prayer group held at Ascension Episcopal Church in Westminster that some McDaniel students attend. I don’t know a lot about religious life on campus, but I learned tonight that several area churches give McDaniel students rides to church on Sundays. It was a nice change of pace to hear some well-performed live music, which was made up of guitars and a violin, and I had a great time talking with Avery and one of our English professors who is involved with the group.

A lot of conversation, a lot of learning, and some great food happened over the past few days. This is how I like my college experience!

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