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Club Membership « Expect the Exceptional

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Club Membership

There are a lot of clubs here at McDaniel. A few have weekly meetings while others meet biweekly, or every two weeks. It is easy to form a club and some new ones start every year. This year they just created a people-watching club (they came to the Frederick Fair with me a couple of weeks ago).

One great thing about clubs is they offer small leadership positions. For International club I am the secretary, meaning I take notes and inform members who were not able to make the meeting of what happened. Even if one is not a student leader, leadership within a club is good experience and can be put on a resume.

For another club I am the president, which takes considerably more work. This can also be extremely rewarding, though. Clubs are often offering activities for outsiders. They have information booths, events and dances. Environmental Action club comes up with fun activities to promote recycling (such as a recycled fashion show). Participating in clubs has many benefits, and it is a great way to hang out with friends and meet new people.

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