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2012 September « Expect the Exceptional

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Family Weekend

This weekend was family weekend. My family did not attend but I noticed people were having a lot of fun. One activity for parents was attending classes on Friday. This is a great opportunity for parents to see what college classes are like.

Another great thing for family weekend were sports games. The football team […]

Did Someone say “Vagina”

One of my favorite fundraisers on campus is The Vagina Monologues. Every year a group of women perform these monologues as a fundraiser for Rape Crisis Intervention Services and the V-Day Organization and Family and Children’s Services of Central Maryland. As a Freshman, I had no idea what this was. My best friend, who is […]

McDaniel as a Home


My week was relatively standard this week – classes, homework, relaxing with friends. However, there was one unusual event. Thursday was Night of Nets, which is an event that is sponsored by the Advocacy Team. They were raising money for a campaign that is trying to help with the issues that malaria cause. The […]


I went to a very interesting speaker on Nike corporations today. McDaniel has a group that organizes speakers on campus and they brought someone to talk about sweatshop labor. It was an extra credit assignment for class and on top of that I was interested in the issue, so I killed two birds with one […]

Night of Nets!

Tonight was such a fun night on the Hill! Advocacy Team, an organization that focuses on human justice issues (like poverty and hunger) hosted their annual Night of Nets event on the quad between DMC and ANW, two of our residence halls on campus. The goal of Night of Nets is to raise awareness for […]