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2012 October « Expect the Exceptional

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Tips From a Tour Guide: Another Tour Guide’s Point of View

Tips from a Tour Guide

This week, instead of hearing a tip from me, I figured it might be helpful to hear from another tour guide. Periodically, I’ll introduce you to another tour guide so that they can give you your prospective on McDaniel as well! I interviewed my fellow tour guide, Whitney, to […]


I don’t actually like Halloween. This statement usually gets me the most astonished looks from everyone age 1 month to 25 but for some reason, I’ve been over Halloween since age 12. That’s not to say I don’t like candy or I don’t like dressing outrageously from time to time, but Halloween just isn’t a […]

Sandy, How We Love Thee

Hurricane Sandy was awesome. She raged for 2 days, dropping lots of rain and blowing lots of wind, but she really didn’t cause any lasting damage here at McDaniel. So basically we got 2 days off from school todo whatever we wanted! She was basically Maryland’s version of a snow day, which of course is […]

Emergency Response

The hurricane is pretty much finished now. It has died down to a gentle down pour, although it is still depressing and rainy outside. McDaniel did not get hit with the brunt of the storm by any means, but it remained windy and rainy for a few days in a row. It rained plenty, but […]

Strange Days Indeed

The last four days have not been entirely typical of my experience at McDaniel College, but they’ll certainly be memorable.

After an evening of fun that involved watching McDaniel’s improv troupe Danger Sauce put on their annual Halloween show and going to Westminster Station for coffee late Friday night to support Advocacy Team’s “Music for […]