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Pigeons are Silly « Expect the Exceptional

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Pigeons are Silly

Hello! This week has been just as busy as the last, but I do feel productive. I was not planning on going home this weekend, but my great-aunt passed away Saturday morning. I’ll be leaving Thursday after my 7 to 10pm class, and then driving up to Philadelphia to see my family. Sometimes things happen during the school year that you can’t control and you have to deal with them the best you can. If you don’t think you can complete an assignment or assignments, or you don’t think you’ll be able to make it to class, then notify your professor for that class as soon as possible, so that they can understand and work with you to get the assignment or assignments completed.

So today in my animal lab I had to take care of the pigeon that the other person had during my lab hour. That pigeon was really aggressive and kept trying to bite me through really thick gloves. It really made me appreciate how gentle my pigeon is, despite the fact that he hates going in the pitcher (which we use to weigh them). It took longer than usual, but the person who had this pigeon had pinched a nerve in her back and her partner could not make it. As strange as it was, I felt awkward being alone with the pigeons, so I talked to them. Don’t worry, they didn’t respond. I have three dogs and a cat at home and I’m used to talking to them and my family took care of a small baby for a while, who couldn’t talk.

I found out yesterday how helpful it is having a German student living in our apartment when I asked her if she could review my essay for German and explain her corrections to me. I get very intimidated with native or fluent speakers, so it took me a while to actually ask her for help.

I know I am constantly talking about doing homework, but that’s not all I have done this week. I did go to a sophomore girls’ Bible study and everyone there was super nice. We made collages using old magazines and made it relate to the lines that we had discussed from the Bible. McDaniel has a lot of activities for Christian students to get involved in, but there is also a Jewish Club. There are also classes for learning about other religions, like Buddhism, which I took last semester and I found it really interesting. Honestly, last year I wasn’t involved in really any clubs, including the German club. I took the time to put into my assignments and now this year, I hope to be more involved and just as hardworking with my assignments. A good goal to keep here is to constantly improve. Despite it being difficult, you can always improve. Anyways, thank you for reading again!

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