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Last Friday Night… « Expect the Exceptional

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Last Friday Night…

Birdie's coffee beans. Photo by C. Kelahan.

Birdie’s coffee beans. Photo by C. Kelahan.

…was nothing like the Katy Perry song of that name, but I truly had a blast!

Westminster’s annual Fall Fest took place last weekend and though it started last Thursday evening, things really kicked off last Friday night with Westminster’s annual Midnight Madness. As a freshman last year, I managed to miss hearing about Midnight Madness, but when it entered my radar this year, I knew I had to go! From 6 p.m. to midnight, local Westminster shops and restaurants are open, offering great deals and samples. Parts of Main Street are blocked off and are filled with a variety of musicians.

I visited a few stores and the Westminster Public Library, which was also open late for the occasion. This library seems like a cozy place, and I learned that McDaniel students are welcome to check out books and other materials here using their student ID cards. (You can also reserve materials to be sent to McDaniel’s own Hoover Library if you don’t want to make the walk.)

I would have loved to have gone to a lot more stores, but my friends had reserved spots on a free ghost tour so we had to get to that by 11:00. Luckily, it was sponsored by Birdie’s Cafe, a local coffee shop on Main Street, so I was able to get a tasty peppermint mocha beforehand. (It was delicious!) I had never been to Birdie’s before, and I would love to go back. (If only it weren’t such a long walk from campus!)

The ghost tour was awesome. The guide was pretty funny, and she was a great storyteller. The tour was less about trying to see ghosts and experience paranormal activity and more about hearing some of the area’s more bizarre and macabre history, which was really interesting and fun.

I have to be honest though: my favorite part of the tour was visiting inside a place called Cockey House, a place now occupied by some sort of historical society. They were serving some absolutely delicious chicken noodle soup in honor of Midnight Madness. (I wish I could have taken the whole crock pot with me!) And outside of Cockey House, I got to meet a corgi!!! She was super sweet and reminded me of my own corgi at home!

I got to see a lot of historic Westminster that I hadn’t seen before, and I’d love to explore it some more in daylight with some friends. There are a lot of intricacies and beauty to be seen on the local buildings and landmarks.

Last Friday night was among the best I’ve had at McDaniel, and next fall, I definitely want to go to Midnight Madness again!

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