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New Media Writing « Expect the Exceptional

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New Media Writing

Before this semester, I was a little hesitant to invest my time in forms of social media like Twitter and Tumblr, mostly because I saw them as a distraction. That said, I was a little wary of my New Media Writing class when I read the syllabus and realized that our first major project required us to create a blog through Tumblr and create a Twitter account.

Now that it’s almost midterms week, though, I’m so glad that I stuck with the class because I’m learning incredibly marketable skills such as content curation and using social media to create a dialogue. Our professor, Paul Muhlhauser, required us to pick a niche related to McDaniel or Westminster (mine is local trail running) and use supplementary sites such as Twitter and Scoop.It to aggregate content on our topic and share it with others who have similar interests. Not only am I learning that social media can be incredibly productive when used properly, I’m having a ton of fun, too!

With so many classes to choose from and requirements to fill for the McDaniel Plan as well as majors and minors, it’s certain that you’ll find yourself walking into a class on the first day and thinking, “I’m not too sure about this.” While it’s true that some classes really may not be your cup of tea, others can prove to be useful, enlightening, and equip you with resume-worthy skills.

Now that I’ve learned how to use Twitter and Tumblr professionally, I’m excited to pursue the other projects listed on the syllabus. A few include creating an infographic and a podcast.

To read more about New Media Writing and other classes taught by Dr. Muhlhauser, check out http://paulmuhlhauser.org/index.html.

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