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Best places to study on campus « Expect the Exceptional

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Best places to study on campus

We have midterms on campus this week, so everyone is looking for the perfect place to cram before exams. Personally, I have a hard time studying unless it is quiet around me. Over the years, I’ve sampled several places, and I’ve found a few that work really well for me:

The silent floor of the library

The perimeter of the L floor is lined with large desks that give you privacy from other students. I study here the most because there is such little opportunity for distraction. This floor also accomdates to groups, though, as there are two soundproof study rooms.

The balcony behind Academic Hall

I like to go there the most when it is nice outside or when it is dark outside and the football stadium lights are on. The balcony offers tables and chairs as well as a nice view of our athletic facilities. Studying outside is always calming, and I especially like writing papers on the balcony.

Harvey Stone Pavillion

Located at the top of the golf course hill, this pavillion is a bit of a walk from the dorms, but it is definitely worth it. In the middle of the pavillion is a fire pit, and it is surrounded by a circular seating area. While club meetings and other group events often occur here, it’s also nice to be there alone because the area is wooded and secluded.

However you like to study, it’s important to find the places that work for you. Our campus offers locations for groups and individuals, and it’s important to sample different areas to figure out which locations suit your studying style the best.

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