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Tips From A Tour Guide: Tip #3: Be Excited « Expect the Exceptional

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Tips From A Tour Guide: Tip #3: Be Excited

Tips From a Tour Guide: How to Make the Most out of your Tour of McDaniel

Tip #3: Be Excited

Have you ever heard the saying “Treat others the way you want to be treated?”  Well, the saying stays true while you’re on tour.  The Tour Guides at McDaniel love their jobs, but it makes it even better when you have a prospective student that is excited about being here.  Your energy is infectious to us, and makes us happy as well.  Not to mention, having an excited student on tour helps our energy stay up throughout the whole tour. The tour can feel long, especially by the end, since we throw so much information at you—which can be a little intimidating.  However, if you’re excited about being here, then everyone gets more out of it! Not to mention, if you’re excited to hear our stories, you’ll be able to process more of what we’re saying.

Being excited is easy—just show up with a smile on your face and armed with questions (going back to Tip #1: Ask Questions).  It doesn’t matter if you know what you’re interested in studying as long as you’re excited about something: campus life, the food, a certain department, extra curricular activities, anything.  We share a lot of little fun facts with you on tour, so you can get excited about those.  We’ll share stories of what has happened to us on campus, but we encourage you to tell us your stories as well!

Another thing: make sure you know which college you’re visiting, so that you can reference the things that you know about the college (which goes back to Tip #2: Come Prepared).  Reference any facts that you already know about the campus—it always excites us to have people on tour who are interested in what the college has to offer.  Even if this is your third of fourth college visit of that week (which happens to some people), keep your energy up.  Every college has different things to offer and your campus tour is the best time to find those things out.  Don’t let tiredness stop you from finding out as much information as possible!

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