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The Worst is Over! (For Now…) « Expect the Exceptional

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The Worst is Over! (For Now…)

I’m very happy that all of my midterms wrapped up yesterday! I handed in my take-home midterm for my evening class, took an in-class science midterm, also turned in an essay draft for my rhetoric class. It was definitely overwhelming that all of this had to happen in one day, but now it’s over, I have a feeling of freedom!

To celebrate the end of midterms week, some of my friends and suite mates and I went out to IHOP for dinner. IHOP is easily within walking distance from campus, but since a couple of my friends have cars, we drove. My strawberry crepe was delicious and I had a really nice time unwinding with some of my favorite on-campus people! I’m also glad we planned our trip to IHOP in advance; I liked having something to look forward to immediately after my midterms ended at this afternoon. And while I was there, I even saw a TARDIS-inspired Smart Car. I’m not a big Doctor Who fan, but it was an exciting find!

But even better, fall break this weekend, and I get to go home! I’ve been using that as motivation as well. Though I have some assignments I’ll need to accomplish over break, I’m very excited to have some time of with my family and my new corgi puppy through Tuesday! In terms of schoolwork, things tend to get a little more intense during the second half of the semester, so having a few good days to rest up will be nice.

Only packing, a better night’s sleep, and my badminton class separate me from break now!

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