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The Aftermath of Midterms Week « Expect the Exceptional

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The Aftermath of Midterms Week

If you have looked at any of the blogs this week, then you’re well aware that this week marks the middle of our 15-week semester.  No matter how many midterms a student may or may not have, this week is super stressful.  Yes, I know I am definitely one of the lucky students, since none of my professors actually gave me a test this week.  Granted, I did have a rather large test in my Literature by Women class last week, so that makes up for it, right?  And even though I didn’t have any tests, I was still plenty busy.  I taught an 80-minute lesson in my high school practicum, wrote five more pages of my Senior Seminar paper this week, and did tons of other things for extracurricular activities I’m involved in on campus.  I also spent two hours grading a bunch of assignments that were done by my 9th grade students.  In all reality, this is the easiest Midterm week I’ve ever had, just because I’ve always had four or five classes, but this semester, I only have three.

There are some very important things to remember while caught up in the overwhelming atmosphere of Midterms week:

  1. Manage your time wisely.  Nothing is worse than realizing that you have a bunch of things due at the end of the week and you haven’t started.  Professors give you your syllabi way at the beginning of the semester, so theoretically, you should know what’s coming.
  2. Remember to take some time for yourself.  Things like eating, sleeping, and relaxing are even more important this week than most weeks.  The weather is changing, which means people are getting sick, and nobody wants to be sick for Midterms week.  Take care of yourself by making sure you still have enough time to sleep and eat.  Also, don’t be afraid to take a study break and do something fun.  I find that coloring or watching a movie relaxes me, plus it gives my brain a chance to rest.
  3. Coffee is your best friend during Midterm week.  Coffee is usually one of my best friends, but during Midterm week, it’s even more important.  The caffeine can help you focus and hopefully it will help you get things done faster and more efficiently.  If coffee isn’t your thing, you can always substitute with soda or energy drinks!
  4. Find a good place to study.  Some people are able to get a good amount of studying done in their dorm rooms, but other people need complete silence.  If you find out that you’re one of those people when you come to McDaniel, go to the silent floors in the library.  The library is open later during Midterm week, so you’ll be able to get a lot of work done.
  5. Facebook is the enemy. No matter how much you don’t think it will distract you, it will. Stay away from it as much as possible. There are websites that you can use to block websites like Facebook and Twitter from your internet browser, that way if you have to be on the internet for research, you can keep yourself from getting on those distracting websites.

These tips can help you help you make the best of your Midterm week! Keep these tips in mind when you have your first Midterm week at McDaniel, and remember—there’s a light at the end of the tunnel!  After Midterms week comes Fall Break, so you’ll get a chance to recharge your batteries!

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