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Fall Break Begins « Expect the Exceptional

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Fall Break Begins

So Midterms are over for me, thank goodness and today is the Saturday of Fall Break. My midterms were not nearly as bad as I worried they would be. I studied for several hours for each of them and I feel like I did well on them all. The Environmental Policy exam I was really concerned about because I don’t normally take anything environmental was actually my easiest and I haven’t stopped being surprised how much I enjoy that class so far. My Poe midterm was also easier than I thought it would be – I was worried the professor would pick some of the trickier works – for instance Poe has a series of poems that are all very similar called “A Dream,” “The Dream,” “Dreamland,” and “A Dream Within A Dream” and if they had been in the identification section, that would have been cruel. Thankfully, Kachur is not that cruel and I feel like I did really well on that exam. So basically, my midterm week was actually pretty good and I believe I did well.

So right after my last midterm, the Puppy Club had Hudson in Ensor to visit with people. The Puppy Club trains dogs for service – its full name is Canine Companions for Independence, Puppy Club. Hudson is really cute and I always enjoy seeing him around campus. Plus, it is nice to see that the school is willing to allow him into the different buildings and to be around a lot of people, which is important for his training. I saw him before and after lunch and stopped to pet him and say hello both times, and it really did brighten my day. Phil was with me too and at first he was wary of Hudson but he warmed up to him really quickly. He did not hang around him as much as I did, but that was more because he was talking to some friends that were also around at the time.

So on Thursday night, a bunch of us played poker again after anime club – it seems to be turning into a tradition. On Friday afternoon, Phil, Red, and I left campus for fall break. We took Red to her house before going to Phil’s. It was good to see Kaie again and it is good that we have a few days off to unwind after midterms. Nevertheless, I will be glad to get back to school and see what the rest of the semester holds. In the meantime, I am going to enjoy my few days of rest and relaxation. Today, for instance, I played video games with friends and spent some time with Phil and his family at dinner time. Plus, we watched the League of Legends world championship, while it is not my game of choice, the two teams put on a good show.


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