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Come to our Fall Open House! « Expect the Exceptional

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Come to our Fall Open House!

Mark your calendars for McDaniel’s annual Fall Open House on Sunday November 11 at 1:30 p.m.!

Whether you’re just starting your college search, trying to wrap it up, or somewhere in between, the Fall Open House is an excellent way to get a feel for McDaniel College and life on the Hill!

If you’re a senior applying to colleges, it’s definitely not too late to come visit! Truth be told, I didn’t visit McDaniel for the first time until I went to the open house in November of my senior year. But I’m so glad I did! The open house gave me a really awesome feeling about McDaniel that made me want to apply as soon as I got home! (Though I wasn’t sure at the time if McDaniel was the college for me, I knew I wanted to keep it open as an option come decision time.) After a couple more visits later in the school year, I knew McDaniel was the college for me, but I wouldn’t have even been able to come to that decision had I not attended the open house.

So come! You have nothing to lose and potentially a lot to gain! Bring your parents, come for a tour, and sit in on some info sessions that won’t put you to sleep!

If you want to come, register here!

Attending the Fall Open House ended up having a huge impact on my life, and it could have a big impact on your life too!

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