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De-Stress Movie Night « Expect the Exceptional

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De-Stress Movie Night

The week of Midterms can be almost as stressful as Finals Week. Midterms are a time that everyone starts freaking out that everything they have been learning this semester is no longer in their brains and they need to cram it in there for one test that will be a chunk of their grade. The worst part though is waiting all Fall Break for your grades to be posted on Archway. The feeling of not knowing how the test went or if you are doing as well as you think in a class is awful. My Midterms week was studying for one huge test I knew I had on Thursday. I was dreading it. There were too many similar characters from too many books. I started studying for it two weeks early, and I’m still not sure how much it helped.  My apartment was a very stressful place for all of us living here this past week.

Earlier in the semester, my Co-Peer Mentor suggested we all have a movie night with our mentees. So I took action. I announced it on our FYS Facebook page that we would do a de-stress movie night at my apartment for anyone who wanted to come. Everyone was super excited about it the next day in class. We decided to watch THE LION KING because it’s supposedly HAMLET and we are the Shakespeare class. While it wasn’t the most educational thing in the world, it was very fun to sit around and eat pizza and sing along to classic Disney songs. We also did some bonding and swapped childhood stories about our first experiences going to a movie theatre and our first Disney experiences.

I think getting to know my mentees is really important. I am here to make sure they are adjusting well to college and doing well in school. To hear them talk about all the fun they are having and fun things that happen in their classes always makes me smile.  Seeing that they are becoming a part of the family on the Hill is awesome for me. I had such a great time my freshman year and I only want the same for them. I want them each to find their own place in the little bubble we call McDaniel College. I think they are all doing that quite nicely. I hope the next half of the semester treats them just as well.

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