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Fall Break « Expect the Exceptional

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Fall Break

For me, Fall Break is supposed to be a great time to relax a little and spend some quality time with my family and friends. At least, that’s what I imagined as I was driving up I-95 on Friday afternoon.  While it is true that I got to spend a lot of time with my parents and some of my friends, my break was not as restful as I would have hoped.  I ended up working two eight-hour shifts at my job, at Bed Bath and Beyond.  Now, for most people, that doesn’t seem like that’s a hard thing to do, but trust me, eight hours of running around the store and being really nice to everyone makes you tired.  That meant that those days involved nothing more than sitting on the couch and watching TV after work.

There are many positives to Fall Break.  I think by far, the biggest positive was my puppy.  He’s an 18 month old Rottweiler puppy, and he’s adorable.  He’s my biggest fan in my house and always wants to play with me.  He was so excited when I got home that he didn’t stop jumping for twenty minutes.  We spent a lot of time this weekend playing fetch, cuddling, and practicing his tricks (I taught him a new one over the summer, so it’s fun to practice now).  I don’t care what anyone says, there is nothing better than puppy love to lift your spirits.  Of course, seeing my parents was also a positive, since I love spending time with them.  We had a lot of fun spending time together, including family bonding time in Atlantic City! I live 45 minutes away from AC, so it’s fun to go down there for a few hours.  My mom and I also did a lot of shopping on Saturday, since we were on a mission to buy baby gifts for my cousin.  She’s having a baby girl and we wanted to send her a fantastic gift.  We ended up making her a clothesline full of onesies, socks, bibs, and other clothes. Plus, we topped it all of with a Winnie the Pooh blanket that I made for the baby!

The food of the weekend was also definitely a plus.  On Friday night, on our way down the shore, we went to a place called Ott’s Grille.  I had the “Jersey Burger”-a burger with American cheese, bacon, and pork roll.  Yes, it was a heart attack on a plate, but it was absolutely delicious. Saturday morning, I went to my favorite bagel place to get a bagel. I know this seems a little extreme, but Jersey bagels are just so much better than the bagels you can find in Maryland.  Anyone who has tasted a bagel from the Bagel Bin will understand…it’s heavenly.  On Sunday, my mom made a fantastic dinner of pasta with shrimp, spinach, mushrooms, and broccoli with an Alfredo sauce.  And of course, you cannot forget the garlic bread.   If there’s one thing I didn’t do on this break, it’s lose weight.

Even though I love McDaniel, it always feels nice to go home from time to time and get the comforts of home.  It makes me appreciate what I have at home, but it also makes me appreciate the things that I do on my own here, like when I make my own delicious meals in my kitchen.

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