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Birthday « Expect the Exceptional

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Birthdays are a cause for celebration and when they fall during the school week, they are a great interruption. I’m always jealous of my friends who celebrate their birthdays during the school year because mine is in the summer.

Last night was my friend Nick’s 22nd birthday! This is exciting and also scary that I have friends that are old enough to start turning 22. When did we all grow up? Soon it’s going to be me that turns 22! But I digress…

Since his birthday was on a Tuesday, we decided to make it a more relaxed affair. We all put aside work and headed to Applebee’s for half-priced appetizers and drinks. With a group of 10 people, we were easily the largest and loudest crowd in the restaurant. And of course the celebration wouldn’t be complete without getting the waiters and waitresses to sing to him about how old he was.

When we got back to the apartment, my roommates and I had also baked him a funfetti cake with chocolate frosting. We spelled his name in sprinkles and had two 2’s for candles, that we obviously made him blow out.

I hope Nick had a great day! He’s paving the way through 22 for the rest of us!

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