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Home football game « Expect the Exceptional

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Home football game

I’m not always able to watch our home football games because of cross country meets, but we had this weekend off from running! While the weather was awesome and would have been great for a run, I instead was able to tailgate with my friends for the entire game.

Here at McDaniel we’ve been recognized by the Weather Channel as one of the top seven tailgating school in the nation due our bowl-like stadium. You can check out the article I wrote about it last year for the Free Press here! A grassy hill surrounds the field, which is sunken into the ground. For every game, different organizations set up tents and students move from one to the next, hanging out and watching the game.

People even take the pains of bringing couches to the game! That’s me all the way on the right enjoying the game with some friends in the Phi Kappa Sigma tent.

Even though we lost in overtime today, the game was lively and exciting, and I’m really proud of the team’s effort. It was a day of great weather, great friends, and a great game, and I can’t wait for our Homecoming game in a few weeks!

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