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Recovery « Expect the Exceptional

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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.


So, I have been back on campus for a few days since my surgery and I am still shocked and wonderfully surprised by how supportive everyone has been. I am sore a lot of the time and need a lot of rest, but I did manage to go to my classes today, for which I was glad. Both of the professors I had classes with today checked in on me to see how I was feeling and assured me that if I needed to miss class in the next week or so they would understand. Professor Lau actually seemed quite surprised I had come to class at all. I hate missing classes, however, so I am doing my best not to miss any more than I already did last week.

I also had to meet with my Arabic professor to find out what I had missed on Thursday. We have a test tomorrow and she was really understanding about the fact that I simply do not feel ready for it having spent half of the last week in the hospital. We scheduled a time later in the week for me to take it and she went over all the stuff they covered in class with me. It made me feel much more comfortable about not falling behind just to meet with her and have a plan of action for the next week. A lot of what they covered was vocabulary based, which thankfully is something I can definitely get down pretty quickly.

All I know for sure is I am really thankful how understanding my professors are being about making sure I get enough rest and do not work to hard as I am trying to recover from my surgery. I am starting to feel better and the pain is not as bad as it was, but I am still getting worn out really quickly. It is good to know that if I run into an issue I can just go talk to my professors and find a solution. I have my other three classes tomorrow, but I expect my professors will react basically the same. I am not feeling nearly as stressed about staying on top of my work as I was when I first returned to campus from the hospital.

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