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Taste of Latin America: El Caribe « Expect the Exceptional

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Taste of Latin America: El Caribe

Last night was the 6th Annual Taste of Latin America dinner, hosted by the Hispano Latino Alliance (HLA) here on campus. Many of my housemates are in HLA, so I went to support all the hard work they’ve been doing on decorating, selling tickets, and working on song and dance performances for after the meal.

When we walked into the dinner, we found that it was decorated like a cruise ship and that buffet tables lined the walls. I could smell foods that reminded my of my time in the Carribean, such as platanos, which are similar to bananas and fried. I was also excited to see that they were serving flan, a sweet dessert made with condensced and evaporated milk.

After eating, we got to watch a video that an HLA member made about growing up in Cuba, a performance of Ojalá que llueva café, and a bachata dance. The song was probably my favorite part; you can check out the original version here!

Events like this might inspire you to spice up your Spanish, even if it’s not the language you’re studying here at school. Here’s a review of some Spanish words that you might need at a restaurant or dinner:

Los cubiertos- Silverware

Plato- Plate

Tazón- Bowl

Aperitivo- Appetizer

El plato principal- Main course

Postre- Dessert

Quisiera ____- I would like _____


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