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Heroes Helping Hopkins « Expect the Exceptional

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Heroes Helping Hopkins

We have reached that particular weekend day of the semester. That day when a car-full of us crazy college kids pack into a car to invade the local grocery store (and get attacked by girl scouts and their cookies), armed only with a list of ingredients needed and our wits about us. Who are these people? What will we do with these groceries? And why didn’t we buy any Girl Scout cookies even though someone was dressed up as a giant monkey and waving at us? The answers to all these questions and more follow…

This group of people is known affectionately (and officially) as Heroes Helping Hopkins, HHH for short. The reason for our list of ingredients and the grocery store invasion was to be able to make a delicious meal of home-baked macaroni and cheese with fresh green beans on the side, apple cider to drink and some delicious dessert known as s’mores bars. Tonight is a Cook Night! Simple put, that means it’s a night when five or so members from the club go down to the Believe in Tomorrow Children’s House to make dinner for families who have a child in Johns Hopkins Hospital. It’s a great little service club on campus that is doing something great and simple to help out families while they’re going through tough times.

Plus, Cook Nights are fun! We have about four a semester because they take quite a bit of work and time, but it’s well worth it. The plan of the evening is for five of us to drive down with all our supplies, which takes about 45 minutes. Once there, we just get to go to and take over the kitchen making dinner and dessert to serve to the families there. Usually we make enough food for about 20 people to eat as whole families are staying in the Children’s House while the child is in Hopkins’ pediatric department.

It’s a really fun time messing around in the kitchen with other college students, creating a delicious meal (that you get to eat with everybody else), and just doing something for somebody else. Looking for a good service club? HHH might be it!

Now I said I’d answer all the questions, but I’ve missed the most important one on giant monkeys and girl scouts. Simply put, I’m not the biggest fan in the world of girl scouts- I’m a make-your-own cookie type of girl, and since I live in a North Village apartment on campus, I can! Hopefully whoever was in the monkey suit didn’t fell too snubbed.

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