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Hurricane Sandy « Expect the Exceptional

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Hurricane Sandy

So, not terribly much has went on since Saturday night after my previous post. However, this is not entirely a bad thing consider all the rain and wind. On Saturday night, after watching a movie and relaxing for a while, a bunch of us played cards in the common room of Blanche, ground floor until 3:00 or so in the morning. We were playing Uno and changing around the rules periodically to make it more fun. For example, in one round, everyone started with three cards. It actually made it a lot harder because you were so limited early in the game that people had to keep drawing. It was interesting to see how different slight changes in the game made the entire flow of the rounds different.

On Sunday, the weather was okay for the majority of day – it drizzled a few times but overall it was a nice day. It did, however, start to get rainier into the night and also much colder. For the majority of the day, Phil, Dan, Lisa, Stefan, and I relaxed, played video games, and just generally enjoyed ourselves. I did not know Stefan very well, but it has been nice getting to know him better over the span of the weekend while he was visiting friends. Stefan is also a student here, however, he is taking this semester off before returning in the spring. It was also quite amusing to watch all day as people anxiously waited to see if classes were going to be cancelled and the general cheer caused by what is essentially a rain day today. A large number of other schools officially declared that they were closing before us, so I personally just assumed that we would also eventually cancel classes for the day, and eventually the school did make the announcement and people were quite pleased. Apparently, no one felt like braving a hurricane to go to class.

Classes were indeed cancelled today because of the weather caused by Hurricane Sandy. It is definitely not as bad as it could have been, but it is very cold and wet and the wind has spiked throughout the day. Most of today was spent on relaxing with friends because classes were cancelled – for example, Phil, Dan, Lisa, Probie, and I all watched Snow White and the Huntsman early in the evening before braving the weather to determine what dinner would be. I personally stayed in my apartment because I had no interest in being cold and wet outside and I have a kitchen. After dinner, Phil and I sat down to work on homework – and Dan went back to Blanche for the same purpose. Eventually Lisa also rejoined Phil and I, and are now having a small homework party until my conversational hour at 9:00 PM. Once my conversational hour is over, I intend to work on homework for a little longer and then watch movies with Lisa and Phil until the early hours of the morning since classes were already cancelled for tomorrow because of flooding and weather concerns.

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