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The Duke of Edinburgh Award! « Expect the Exceptional

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The Duke of Edinburgh Award!

I recently applied for a prestigious award called The Duke of Edinburgh Award. To receive this award I am required to fulfill certain requirements to receive my medal. It is an award to showcase well-rounded students. You have to display your dedication to community service, physical fitness, a special talent and an adventurous journey. In order to receive the bronze medal award I must complete three months of community service, physical fitness and a special talent. I must also complete an overnight adventure. Then I will be choosing one of the three elements to continue for another three months. I am honored to be considered for this award and I am excited to begin all my requirements.

I will be using my completed service hours with Gamma Sigma Sigma for my community service requirement, three hours of dance a week for my physical fitness requirement, and mastering family recipes as my special talent. In April I will be completing my adventurous journey by staying the entire night at our twelve hour Relay for Life event for American Cancer Society hosted by the school. After the three months are up, I will have to choose which element I am going to continue keeping track of. I’m sure none of them will completely escape my life, but I will have to choose one to focus on.

I am really excited about the opportunity this award is giving me. It is giving me as excuse to learn all the family recipes I have admired since childhood and it is pushing me to do more with the community and keep myself healthy throughout the school year. I think this award is a great opportunity for any student. It forces them to focus on things other than homework and school in their crazy busy lives. I know my calendar is jam packed already but I’m willing to add a few hours every week to make sure I stay a well-rounded person that can be a role model for future students of McDaniel College.

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