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Emergency Response « Expect the Exceptional

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Emergency Response

The hurricane is pretty much finished now. It has died down to a gentle down pour, although it is still depressing and rainy outside. McDaniel did not get hit with the brunt of the storm by any means, but it remained windy and rainy for a few days in a row. It rained plenty, but we never lost power. Classes were cancelled Monday and Tuesday so I spent all of my time indoors.

Even if we had lost power McDaniel made everything extremely safe. They had a service both texting and e-mailing updates. These were constant, coming at least several times per day. The website and students were also live blogging the storm and all of the important school updates. Not only that but facebook was covered with information from the school.

There was also constant supervision. Campus safety patrolled frequently. The cafeteria had a stock of nonperishable food items. Even the R.A.’s were enlisted to walk around and check for fires if the electricity failed.

I was impressed with how this storm was handled, and we barely even had a storm. I felt incredibly safe the entire time. Not that I was surprised, McDaniel once got me through a week long snow storm without incident. If I am in any more natural disasters or any type of storm I am sticking with this school.

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