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Halloween and $2 Chipotle « Expect the Exceptional

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Halloween and $2 Chipotle

Halloween is the bomb. As children it was the one night per year we got to stay up late and run around getting candy, in high school it meant an awesome party or two (the kind your parents didn’t know about), and the same trend holds true in college. In 2011 we were lucky enough as a college campus to have Halloween fall on a Monday night. Even though we did not have the day off, for most this meant three full nights of parties, costumes, and fun. This year Halloween fell on a Wednesday. Unfortunately, this left the McDaniel community to their own judgement in picking which days to dress up.

I chose Friday night and went to a social at Sig Mansion, the on-campus party center of
the fraternity I’m pledging, Alpha Sigma Phi, and dressed in matching costumes with my fellow pledges. We showed up wearing plane costumes that were designed for toddlers and then one of my fellow pledges dressed up as a pilot (his plane costume didn’t fit). A social is what we call it when a fraternity or sorority invites another fraternity or sorority to have a party with them, the Alpha Sig Halloween social was with the Phi Mu sorority, and was a wonderful two-part party that took place in two separate locations and lasted late into the night.

Parties aren’t the only way to participate in Halloween at McDaniel. Campuswide, students dressed up in costume. In my classes yesterday I encountered witches and Katy Perry alike, even a guy dressed up in a giant, blue dog suit. I even saw two girls dressed up as siamese twins (I guess one of them must have skipped some classes).

Though I did not dress up for class yesterday, I did dress up, somewhat cleverly I think, as Facebook by writing the word book on my face in order to get a $2 dollar meal at Chipotle with some of my buddies. My friends Sean, Andrew, and Miranda drew cat whiskers on their face, and my friend Nicole dressed up as a nerd. In hindsight I realize now that I probably could have used a different writing utensil than a sharpie to write on my face, but that’s neither here nor there. Overall, it was a successful Halloween.

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