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Halloween Bingo! « Expect the Exceptional

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Halloween Bingo!

I once thought that bingo playing could be lumped into the same realm as knitting, but as a college student with about $22 to my name the idea of winning prizes just for listening to someone call out numbers and marking them on my card is incredibly enticing. Therefore, when I read about last night’s Halloween bingo, I was amped to go.

Local vendors such as The Pottery Loft, a paint your own pottery studio, donated over 40 prizes for the event. Luckily, there were only about 30 people in attendance, so almost everyone won something! I won both a coffee mug and a baseball cap. My friend who had never won bingo before won four times, including a $10 Barnes and Noble gift card!

Besides the free stuff, I was eager to attend because the event was student-organized and sponsored by APO, one of our service fraternities, The Animal Welfare Club, and The Puppy Club, an organization that trains seeing-eye dogs. All of the proceeds benefitted The Humane Society, which will definitely need the donations after Hurricane Sandy. The presidents of each organization that contributed to the bingo said a few words during a break, and it made me really proud to see that different student organizations had reached out to each other in order to support a common and worthy cause.

Last night was a prime example of why I feel that no student could ever get bored at McDaniel. First of all, there are events every night, either organized by students or The Office of Student Engagement. Additionally, the wide range of clubs and organizations on campus, like the Puppy Club or Animal Welfare Club, offers students a chance to get involved and meet others with common interests.

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