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National Novel Writing Month « Expect the Exceptional

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National Novel Writing Month

I cannot believe that NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is already here! This month (November) came so quickly, ending with the bang of the hurricane. During November many writers gather together to begin writing their 50,000 + word novels. This is no easy task, as that is more words than my senior thesis is likely to have. It might seem difficult to do during a school semester, but Thanksgiving helps, and I completed one last year with some success so I know it is possible. Also, as cheesy as it is, it is about the journey and not the ending.

NaNoWriMo is a wonderful way to take a break from school work, without truly taking a break. Even if it is not actual homework writing is still great practice no matter the form. Plus there are a fabulous group of writers on campus. Plenty of students participate, and everyone can get together to do work. This actually helps with encouraging the novels along, and it is always nice to see a cheerful face asking about my novel and giving ideas for fleshing out plot lines.

NaNoWriMo is also a great time to utilize the library. There are many wonderful spots to sit and write, plus the access to coffee throughout the day. Soon the library will be offering 24 hour service (although not in time for November novel writing month, sadly). I am looking forward to the November meet ups in D.C. and bonding with fellow writers on campus. I wish everyone luck who is participating in this adventurous task.


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