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A Typical Monday in the Life of Kaitlyn « Expect the Exceptional

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A Typical Monday in the Life of Kaitlyn

I know when I was a senior in high school, one of the main things I was curious about was a typical college schedule and lifestyle. So here is a typical Monday for me, this semester.

9:10 – My alarm goes off, I hit snooze a few times, read a couple news articles and my horoscope, and check my email and twitter.

9:30 – I get out of bed, grab a bowl of cereal, and get ready for classes.

10:20 – I have my Intercultural Communication class for an hour.

11:30 – I have my Multimedia authoring class for an hour.

12:40 – I get back to the apartment and a small lunch, usually a wrap or a yogurt.

1:00 – I sit around the table, talk to my roommates, and semi-organize my homework. (Sometimes I actually do some of it. Most of the time I don’t.)

2:00 – I walk over to admissions for a 2:30 tour for prospective students and any visitors that day.

3:30 – I get back from my tour and head to the gym to workout.

5:00 – Back at the apartment, I make dinner, organize my Free Press things, and make an agenda for that night’s meeting since I’m the editor in chief.

7:00 – I have a pre-meeting Free Press meeting with the managing editor.

8:00 – My actual meeting.

9:00 – I watch the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills IF I’m back in time and don’t have something big due the next day.

10:00 – Homework….

12ish – Shower, make my to-do list for the next day, and get into bed.


And that’s a day in the life of Kaitlyn!

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