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So I threw a Halloween party last night… « Expect the Exceptional

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So I threw a Halloween party last night…

Since Halloween fell on a Wednesday this year, both this weekend and last weekend were eligible for Halloween festivities. Another DMC suite and I volunteered to host a Halloween party in DMC Lounge after the vice president of the Honors Club sent out an email to everyone in the Honors Program wondering if anyone would be carrying on the Honors tradition of throwing a Halloween party this year.

The party was open to people in the Honors Program, people who live in DMC, and pretty much anyone on campus looking for a good time on a Saturday night that didn’t involve alcohol or other substances. (And because it was open to all Honors students, it counted as a suite event for both my suite and the other suite I hosted it with. Suites are required to host suite events if their residents want to be eligible to live in Honors housing the next year. People will do anything from hosting movie nights to having a party like the one we had.)

Being one of the hostesses, I was naturally a little anxious about how the party would go. Would people like it? Would they show up and stay a while? Would my music selections be good enough? (I was in charge of music in addition to some of the decorations and candy.)

Much to my relief, this year’s Halloween party was a great success! The turnout was excellent, and for over an hour, there were at least 40 people at the same time dancing and enjoying themselves. (I estimate that at least 60 people came throughout the night.) The decorations were fantastic (the streamers were a must), my music selections pleased the crowd pretty well, and a lot of people were wearing great costumes! I also got a lot of positive feedback from people who told me that this was one of the best Honors Halloween parties they’d attended. I had a wonderful night myself, and knowing that other people had a great time as well made me feel even better and my hard work and money spent extra worthwhile!

I think the ability to throw events for other students makes being a member of the Honors Program at McDaniel worthwhile. It really builds a sense of community within our Honors Program when we get to interact with each other in a non-academic setting, and when we can include students not in Honors as well, it makes for an even more fun time!

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