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Dangersauce « Expect the Exceptional

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The Homecoming experience at McDaniel is pretty systematic: get up and watch parade (or sleep in…), go to football stadium, wander from tent to tent catching up with people and eating, cheer for football team when something exciting happens, etc.

While I did all these things and had a blast, I’d have to say that one of my favorite parts of Homecoming weekend was not as well-attended or well-known as the football game. While a lot of people were getting in their post-game nap, Dangersauce, our student improv group, hosted a show in the theater.

Dangersauce is comprised of about 10 students who put on improvisational comedy shows on campus. On their Facebook page, they guarantee that all jokes are “unrehearsed, unscripted, and completely hilarious.”

The Homecoming show was the second that I’ve attended this semester, and both have totally been worth the dollar that I’ve spent to get in. For about an hour, the members play games that involve a few members or the entire group.

My favorite games involve audience participation, such as the one last night where a troupe member was sent out of the theater while the audience was asked to decide where and how a grisly murder occurred as well as who perpetrated the crime (We chose a public bathroom, exorcism, and the Pope, respectively). After we decided, the member was called back into the theater and guessed as the rest of the cast acted out the crime.

Since it was Homecoming, a lot of former members of Dangersauce came to see the show. For the final game, they were all called up on stage to participate, and it was cool to see what a long-standing tradition Dangersauce has been on our campus.

Interested in joining or just learning more? Check out their Facebook.

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