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Shopping for Service Day « Expect the Exceptional

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Shopping for Service Day

Last semester, I went to a leadership conference in North Carolina at the Gamma Sig chapter at East Carolina University. It was a great experience and inspired me to take the lead and create an event that would benefit our five national service partners. This thought leads us to today. I spent my free time today riding around Westminster gathering things to make this event possible. In all my planning, this task did not seem as large as it ended up being. After a few hours of going from store to store making sure everything was bought, I was exhausted and my credit card was worn out. I don’t think I realized before today how much stuff was needed to make sure this event goes successfully.

My next task is to create this life-size Monopoly board. I have to use the best of my creative skills to piece this together. It is a monster just sitting in my living room right now. Once I get the courage up to work on it, I’m sure it will come together with no problems. Taking on this whole event is taking a huge chunk of my time. I love doing things like this though. I love giving my free time up to charitable organizations and other community service projects. I also love that because of the size of this school, it is much easier to allow yourself to have those opportunities.

On Saturday the McDaniel Gamma Sigs are going to be running around like crazy. We are really excited about this event and I am optimistic of about Service Day. We were the number two chapter in our district at the last convention. This year, we are aiming for number one and, if done correctly, we will be able to do it.

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