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Rocco And Katz « Expect the Exceptional

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Rocco And Katz

So, today on campus the group called F to Embody was on campus. At 3:00, they held a workshop in Lewis Hall about their group and the transgender experience. While I was unable to attend, I heard really good reviews from several students who attended the workshop. While the topic is one that is often rather sensitive, it is also a topic that the students I talked to admitted to not knowing much about it before the conversation. I personally am really glad when I see groups like this on campus because diversity and minority groups are a big deal everywhere and it is good to see our campus acknowledging their importance and working to educate the student population.

The discussion and concert that F to Embody held was hosted by the Allies group on campus. The concert occurred at 7:30 in McDaniel Lounge and the attendance was decent. I spoke with a student named Kelsey and she described the event as spectacular as always. People seemed to react well to the performance and the merchandise table was swarmed at the end of the event. Kelsey mentioned that she particularly enjoyed how interactive the show was. Overall, the reactions seemed really positive and there was a lot of personal aspects to the show. They talked about their personal life which added an interesting element to the show.

Overall, the show was a really good experience and an interesting addition to the normal events on campus. They were also here last year and I personally hope to see them return to campus again in the future.

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