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Tradition « Expect the Exceptional

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Some of the things I love most about McDaniel college are things that are tradition, and happen every year.  A couple of these have happened recently and I really enjoyed them. One of these was the HLA dinner, and another was having some musicians preform live at our school.

The HLA dinner (Hispanic Latino Alliance) is always something that I look forward too. McDaniel clubs host a lot of dinners, I also just went to one for Jewish Student Union and will soon be attending one for Africa. The themed foods based on different countries are definitely by favorite. They bring in great catered food showcasing different areas.

This year HLA hosted food from the Caribbean. It was delicious! There were fried plantains and great desserts. One can go to these dinners buying individual tickets, or they can attend with groups and buy an entire table. The Sociology department always buys a table which is great because I can always socialize with my professors during the dinner. My club, International Club, also buys a table, and in the spring we also host our own dinner!

The second tradition, somewhat newer, is hosting hip hop artists Rocco and Katz. They are fabulous, and this will be their third year coming to the school. I already own both of their t-shirts and CD’s and follow them on facebook. The great thing about these events is clubs bring them in, and it is free! Every year clubs draw up a budget and request funding to hold events such as this one. Despite being the same artist their shows are always different, and I cannot wait to go and see them again this year.

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